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Practically everyone is familiar with glutamine: it is one of the most abundant amino acids in the body. Its significance in muscle recovery, supporting a strong immune system, and maintaining good digestive health makes glutamine an essential supplement for athletes, fitness trainers, bodybuilders, or anyone who is active.
However, there seems to be no consensus on whether or not it is necessary to supplement this amino acid. Even though its significance is great. Let’s delve into the plentiful glutamine uses and how it can boost your performance and health.
Glutamine Explained
Glutamine is a nitrogenous compound that is classified as a semi-essential amino acid:
- This means that the body usually can make enough glutamine of itself, but some times, especially when under stress such as during vigorous exercise, supplementation may be helpful;
- Naturally, the body does use glutamine in protein synthesis and to keep a healthy gut barrier, among other functions.
This supplement is of particular importance to those who have a lot of physical stress on their muscles. Through training for sports and bodybuilding. It means that they are overworked and ready to break down, as it supports muscle recovery whilst simultaneously repressing the muscle losing effects of a workout. It is a great assistance in muscle soreness reduction, and immune function stimulation.
Benefits of Glutamine for Athletes and Bodybuilders
The most sought out attribute of glutamine is how it fosters muscle recovery after a workout. However this is not all that it can do if closely engaged in a physical competition, as a matter of fact, it helps with a plethora of issues. Below are some of the advantages of intaking glutamine in form of supplements:
Improved Muscle Recovery
As carbs and protein are the core products that assist muscles in recovery, replenishing of these constituents within the body encourages the muscle recovery process. This is where glutamine kicks in making it easier for glycogen restoration and protein synthesis. After a double workout your cortisol levels within the body rise which triggers the body into catabolism and promotes muscle degeneration. Glutamines role here is heavy. It assists in constraining the elevation of cortisol which in turn helps with muscle repair by lowering cortisol levels.
Muscle Growth Boost
Glutamine also works within the body to promote the secretion of the human growth hormone (HGH), which plays an important role in muscle development and healing. Keeping a high level of glutamine in the body helps to remain in an anabolic (muscle growth) state, so gaining the lean muscle mass becomes easier.
Immune Health
Heavy training tends to weaken the immune system. Glutamine fuels the immune cells, ensuring that the body’s defenses do not become overworked during strenuous exercises. Glutamine enables the immune system to recover faster and remains strong to protect the body from any ailment or stress from training.
Digestive System Health
Glutamine is also essential to one’s digestive system. Glutamine is a major energy source for intestinal epithelial cells, and assists in the digestive barrier functions. This is beneficial especially to sportsmen who may suffer from a bloated tummy from extreme training or pressure.
Eases Tiredness and Muscle Soreness
It’s no surprise that tiredness and muscle soreness follows after rigorous training. But Glutamine has shown it to be of assistance in this area for it quickens the repair process of the muscles. While also minimizing any oxidative damage thus lowering the recovery period. When muscle soreness is reduced, glutamine benefits athletes by giving a quick return to training.
Glutamine Intake
Knowing when and the right steps to take glutamine is crucial as it must be taken at the right time in order to maximize its many effects. Even though it is a naturally occurring substance, during times of vigorous exercise or high stress levels, there is a depletion of glutamine. Which makes its intake through supplementation a must to enhance performance in the long run.
Serving Advice
The standard dosage for glutamine is 5 to 10 grams per day. This means that it should be taken alongside intense physical activity depending on an individual’s weight and activity level. Athletes who have an increased body weight or follow intense physical exercises might have a dosage of 20 to 40 grams per day.
A general guideline is to take it post workout and pre-sleep on an empty stomach however for best results it is suggested to take it scattered throughout the day.
Time for Glutamine Intake
Muscle recovery along with increased levels of depleted glutamine are boosted after exercising. This makes glutamine intake perfect after workout sessions:
- Before going to sleep, one can take glutamine as it assists muscle rebuilding while sleeping as the body doesn’t get any food;
- You can also take glutamine in your rest days to help your immune system recover more.;
- Ate you aware that together with branched chain amino acids, glutamine has the potential of preserving muscle mass as well as recovery processes, allowing you preserve body muscle mass and increase muscle recovery, which is also effective in preventing mass depletion during intense workouts.
For bodybuilders and athletes, combining these two supplements is a great idea. They tend to have a collaborative impact in speeding up muscle recovery together with growth.
You should consider trying out free samples of these supplements since most of the companies do provide them to try. It is understandable that a lot of people are not entirely sure whether to fully switch to it. The free sample allows them to get a good sense of the amino acids bolstering possibilities of enhancement in training and matched alongside recovery.
The Role and Benefits of Glutamine in Brewing
To begin with, Glutamine fuels human cells, whether for muscle building, recovery, or even energetic purposes. The cell activity substantiates the performance and endurance needed for workouts. Time and time again, experts in sports nutrition have turned to this particular amino acid for lean mass gaining supplementation or muscle protein preservation.
More so, active individuals stand to gain so much more, especially during recovery after an intense workout or after endurance based activity. Sports injuries will also lessen, as a result faster recovery times will emerge.
Helps with Tissue Repair and Wound Healing
Given that gelatin is composed of proteins, it is a natural occurrence for the muscle building compound to become instrumental in the process of recovery. With protein synthesis being a defining attribute of the rebuilding cycle, cell growth can optimally take place, resulting in lean muscle building.
Moreover, this has been observed in research studies conducted on animals. A muscle cell was implanted in a nude mouse to observe the protein presence.
Benefits the Liver and the Brain
Further research depicts Glutamine “the brain’s fuel” which acts as a neurotransmitter, assisting in the function of both liver and brain. Having a clean body, devoid of excessive toxins helps in functioning both organs. That’s why body detoxification is important as well for optimal functioning.
Decreases Inflammation
As previously pointed out, skeletal muscles are targeted heavily by glutamine, alongside the immune system response, which in return influences inflammation levels. This has impact on athletes, especially in terms of pain and soreness associated with intense training.
From mandating muscle recovery to boosting the immune system response to upholding gut health and overall well-being, glutamine proves to be a great all in one supplement. And whether you’re an athlete, a bodybuilder or simply live an active lifestyle, glutamine use is instrumental in performance growth and faster recovery.
If you are thinking of incorporating glutamine in your stack, remember that free samples of glutamine supplements are an excellent opportunity to test it before purchase. The fact that this dietary supplement promotes gains in muscles, facilitates recovery, and enhances overall health means that glutamine supplementation should be looked into by all athletes.